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We provide Principal's Fund grants. Principals Grant details We provide Club grants. Club Grant Details

Past Grants and Activity Funding

Past grants, activities, events and programs can be seen in the table below. Enter search criteria in the box at the top of the column and click "Show". For detail on a specific grant or activity, click the hyperlinked number in the first column adjacent to the grant/activity of interest.

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43GrantSan MateoJournalismJournalism Convention2015 Spring$1,200.00
53GrantSan MateoDanceDance workshops2014 Fall$1,200.00
58GrantSan MateoDramaTickets for Play2014 Fall$600.00
61GrantSan MateoForeign LanguageSpanish Workshops2013 Fall$600.00
62GrantSan MateoJournalismJournalism Convention2013 Fall$1,200.00
71GrantSan MateoBiological ScienceFocus Grant - Agar, DNA Ladder, Crucibles2014 Spring$1,000.00
91GrantSan MateoInstrumental Music2013 Spring$1,000.00
94GrantSan MateoInstrumental MusicTuba2013 Spring$1,200.00
98GrantSan MateoTechnologyNASA Field trip2013 Spring$150.00
107GrantSan MateoBiological ScienceBiotechnology independent research projects2013 Spring$1,200.00
Displayed 1 to 10 of 105 right1rightend

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